Friday, March 10, 2023

Reading the Gospels for Lent


Read Matthew 7-9


Chapter 8 is one of my favorites in this gospel.  Jesus is actively healing others.  In the course of 34 verses, Jesus heals a man with a skin disease with a few words; he heals a centurion’s servant from a distance (note that centurions were “outsiders”/others/enemies ~ there is an echo here of the Sermon on the Mount about loving all); next Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law (not sure how Peter’s wife felt about Peter galivanting around with Jesus); Jesus heals disciples’ fear in the boat that is being swamped; and wraps up his rounds of healing people with two men by causing their unclean spirits to go into nearby swine where the pigs all race down to the water – not to pray – but to drown - ruining a whole lot of bacon! 


When I read chapters 8 and 9, I am reminded of the great Civil Rights leader, Ruby Sales’ question, where does it hurt?  On this March day, where does it hurt - physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually?  The hurts that hum in our hearts often find expression in our bodies, minds, souls, and connections to others.  Our shoulders stressed with strain cause pain to be all we can focus on and flow forth from our words to others.


Name the aches today.  While I wish I could promise you a quick healing/cure like in chapter 8, I also trust that the One who faces the cross – the pain and ache of life – can meet us here on this Friday with a grace and love we need for this moment.  Amen

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