Thursday, March 9, 2023

Reading the Gospels for Lent


Read Matthew 4-6


Today, we hear how Jesus after being baptized ~ named and claimed as God’s beloved is immediately tested.  Wait, what?  God blesses Jesus and immediately Jesus encounters evil.  This is not the script we usually have with faith.  We tend to view faith as an insurance policy or a life hack to make things easier.  But the Gospels are more complex and perplexing than that.  The gospels say God will come to earth and the Herods of the earth will issue decrees that hurt and harm, cause people to flee in fear.  After baptism there is wilderness.  The gospels say God will offer blessings not for the easy life but for the trials and tribulations. 


I invite you today to sit in this truth.


Perhaps now reading chapter 4, Jesus’ own temptation and trial and experience of God in the storm, helps shed light on the Beatitudes in chapter 5.  How can Jesus say “Blessed are the poor in Spirit”?  Because Jesus just felt that in the wilderness…his own hunger and pain and encounter with evil…and yet Jesus sensed God’s persist presence too.  God’s persist presence that didn’t magically make everything better with a poof.  Rather God there in the wilderness.


Where is there “wilderness” your story?  Where do you long for the blessedness ~ which might mean strength or courage or just putting one foot in front of the other today.  May you feel the presence of Emmanuel within you and around you this day and every day this week.  Amen.

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