Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Prayers for our Country


Please pray with me:  God the beautiful spiritual says it best, “Precious Lord, take my/our hand to lead us on and help us stand.  We are tried, weak, and worn.” As Isaiah sought to comfort to people who were in exile, we long for your comfort and compassion.  We are bruise and broken, hurting and aching, we long for Your healing.  Gracious God, it can often feel like we are watching the same screen, but seeing a different movie.  How is that we all live agreeing it is November 6, but not much beyond that?  Our phones all sync with the same time in our time zone, and yet we are as distant and disconnected as if some people were on Pluto.  God, as humans, we have always struggled with loving those who are different.  We have justified judgement based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, identity, geographic location, and countless other ways we sort each other into boxes meant to confine and define each other.  This muscle of judging is so strong that the gospeling muscle of Jesus’ truth has atrophied over the years.  God, we need Your wisdom, strength, peace, love, and presence today and this week.  God help us be the people and church You are calling us to be in such a time as this.  Go continue to guide us and ground us and govern us with a gospeling love of Your presence now and always.  Amen.

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