Thursday, November 7, 2024

Continuing to Pray


Here we are on this day, hear God is with you.  I invite you to breathe.  Many of us have held our breath since Monday (or maybe even for the last several weeks of Mondays) uncertain what would happen.  Many of us are holding our breath at the uncertainty of the future and because catastrophizing thoughts are reigning and roaming.  God, we know in our heart that How we live matters.  What story we tell ourselves matters.  What thoughts we think matter.  Just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean you have to cling to it or share it or hold it as gospel truth.  You can have a thought, notice it, and let it go knowing that we don’t know what will happen tomorrow or next month or next year.  We don’t have a crystal ball that predicts everything, even though every talking head on T.V. - or tic tok influencer - seems to think they (and they alone) possess that ability.  Something within us loves to prophesize that we have seen the future and know exactly what will happen.  Something within us believes we have glimpsed the unfolding and unknowable future, and know what God plans.  In some ways we do.  We know God works for justice, equity, shalom for all creation, honoring the humanness of each person who is created in God’s image.  We know God’s symphony is one of calling all “Beloved”, even as we cannot imagine or accept that name for the person we hate or fear.  God, save us from ourselves and save us for each other.  I continue to pray for each of you.  I continue to commit to pouring my energy in our values of expansive welcome, vibrant worship, expanding belonging, God’s justice, passionate care and deepening faithfulness.  That is more than enough on my to do list, as I trust this day to God’s guidance and grounding and care.  Amen.

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