Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Prayers for our Country


Prayer for our country:

O God, You are our help in ages past and You are the hope in us and through us for the days to come.  We pray today for our fellow citizens, some of whom we struggle to love.  We get caught in cycles of dismissing each other.  We are quick to point out the splinter in another’s eye, while ignoring the log in our own.  Help us, O God.  We remember how Isaiah was told to preach to people who would not listen, change, or return to You.  Is that still the sermon You sing to us today?  We know we cannot change another person or convince them of our own correctness, yet we still spend our effort and energy trying. Open our hearts in this time of uncertainty.  Meet us in our fears and frustration, meet us in our division and derision, meet us on this election day.  God, we pray for the future of our country.  We pray for a new spirit to stir in our lives, our neighbor’s lives, our community, and from sea to shining sea.  We pray for those who will be elected to serve, not that we would follow blindly, but that we, as people of faith, would be infused and inspired with Your call to do justice, to show loving kindness, and to remember our humanity, that we are made of the earth.  God ground us and guide and let Your governing presence be what is at the center of our lives every day to come.  Amen.

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