Tuesday, May 21, 2024

More than Words


Today, I want to share with you, a hymn about the expansive, elusive, evolving God.  Before we do this, I wonder what words are evoked in you when you encounter the word, “God”?  What images/artwork/crayon-color picture/songs/poems/sermons stir within you when you just read the word, “God”?  Or maybe it all feels like a mystery?  Sometimes when I focus on God, I can feel a dizzying disorientation.  My words all raise their hands and asked to be excused because none of words fit or feel quite right.  In some circles of faith, the name “God” is too holy to be spoken.  Some people take out the “o” in God, writing, “G-d” to denote the marvelous mystery that is beyond our comprehension and control.  One hymn that sings of the expansiveness of God is Brian Wren’s Bring Many Names.  Slowly and prayerfully read these words:


Bring many names, beau­ti­ful and good, Celebrate, in pa­ra­ble and sto­ry,
Holiness in glo­ry, liv­ing, lov­ing God. Hail and Ho­san­na! Bring ma­ny names!


Strong mo­ther God, work­ing night and day, Planning all the won­ders of cre­ation,
Setting each equa­tion, ge­ni­us at play: Hail and Ho­san­na, strong mo­ther God!


Warm fa­ther God, hug­ging ev­ery child, Feeling all the strains of hu­man liv­ing,
Caring and for­giv­ing, till we’re re­con­ciled: Hail and Ho­san­na, warm fa­ther God!


Old, ach­ing God, grey with end­less care, Calmly pierc­ing ev­il’s new dis­guis­es,
Glad of good sur­pris­es, wis­er than des­pair: Hail and Ho­san­na, old, ach­ing God!


Young, grow­ing God, ea­ger, on the move, Saying no to false­hood and un­kind­ness,
Crying out for jus­ti­ce, giv­ing all you have: Hail and Ho­san­na, young, grow­ing God!


Great, liv­ing God, ne­ver ful­ly known, Joyful dark­ness far be­yond our see­ing,
Closer yet than breath­ing, ev­er­last­ing home: Hail and Ho­san­na, great, liv­ing God!


May the words above awaken your sacred imagination.  May you find ways to add verses above with adjectives that are now sitting and stirring on the tip of your tongue.  May you enter the wonderous mystery that is God’s ongoing melody and music of our still Conducting and Composing God, sensing G-d’s invitation to you to join the symphony of life.  Amen.

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...