Monday, May 20, 2024

Fall Afresh on Me/We


Yesterday in church we celebrated the sweet, sweet Spirit that stirred amid the disciples and empowered them to share the good news of God’s expansive/evolving love.  The Book of Acts tells us this Spirit was not some gentle soft breeze but a burning breeze that shook the disciples to their core.  They physically felt the force on their face/flesh, and this awoke their shy souls to start singing in every language.  Amid the cacophony there was a connection.  Amid the chaos there was a community formed.  What if this story isn’t just about then and there, but here and now?  How do we open to swirling Spirit?  I am not sure we can plan or predict how/when/where the Spirit will show up ~ which can frustrate the Type-A people in our midst like me.  And we may need to let go of the self-help gospel that preaches you can have your best life now!  The Spirit is the holy part of God bursts through the locked doors and carefully cultivated parts of our life.  One of the hymns that hymns in my heart is Spirit of the Living God…pray these words with me:


Spirit of the Living God,

Fall afresh on me.

Spirit of the Living God,

Fall afresh on me.

Melt me, mold me, fill me, send me.

Spirit of the Living God,

Fall afresh on me.


Where do you need the Spirit of the Living God to fall afresh?  Where are you unsure you want God stirring up dust amid that cobweb corners of your soul where you have put in boxes all that “stuff” you’d rather not deal with?  Where do you long to be refreshed?  Where do you find some resistance ~ perhaps with that person who you keep adding wood to the fire of resentment or anger?  What events coming up do you long for the Spirit?  Where are you pouring out your Jonah-like energy to refuse or refute following God’s nudges?  What would happen if the Spirit showed up in that meeting later today or tomorrow?  What happens if you sang the words above before a meeting today?  Prayed the words above before a doctor’s appointment?  Sat with these words in stillness this week?  May you find ways to let the melody and message of this hymn hum within the soundtrack to your soul.  Amen.  

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