As people of faith, we claim
that the Spirit took on flesh, breath, and bone in Jesus Christ. From the peculiar place of Jesus’ birth ~ I
mean, a barn, really God?
That was not going to get God a ton of likes on social media…the
shepherds posts were not exactly trending.
Jesus, then, drops off the radar of everyone. Sure, he showed up at 12-years-old in the
temple to hang out with the rabbis and amaze everyone with his theological
dissertation on love, but then Jesus goes underground. Like a one hit wonder or a novelist whose
debut mystery is such a smashing success, she doesn’t write anything for
years. Eventually, Jesus goes down to
the river to pray, he wades in the water, and is baptized by John in the river
Jordan. Immediately, he is driven by the
Spirit into the wilderness.
At this point, you should be shaking and scratching your head
thinking, “Um, this is not going to be a Hollywood blockbuster of a
movie!” But wait, this Jesus hangs out
with those on the fringe and fray, he humanizes those on the sidelines
regardless of wealth or religious belief or if they have perfect attendance
pins from Sunday School. This Jesus
confronts the powers that be by staging a parade (street theater) at the time
of the Passover when the narrative of God’s liberating love from Exodus is
retold as a way through the wilderness today.
You are thinking, “Finally! A
plot line we recognize. Go get ‘em
Jesus. You conquer and overthrow that
evil Roman Empire.” Only, he gets crucified. Wait, you think, come again!?! Suffering as part of faith is the storyline
we share year-after- year. I think of
the great hymn, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.
divine, all loves excelling, joy of heav'n to earth come down,
fix in us Thy humble dwelling; all Thy faithful mercies crown!
Jesus, Thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love Thou art;
visit us with Thy salvation; enter every trembling heart.
O breathe Thy loving Spirit into every troubled breast!
Let us all in Thee inherit, let us find the promised rest.
Take away our love of sinning; Alpha and Omega be;
end of faith, as its beginning, set our hearts at liberty.
I love the invitation for the
Spirit to enter the trouble within us. But
remember from Sunday that sometimes the Spirit isn’t one of gentleness, but a
burning breeze that disrupts and interrupts everything ~ inside
and out. This Spirit which will rummage
around our lives, tossing and turning over our faith furniture ~ some of which
has been handed down from generation to generation ~ doesn’t the Spirit know
that cedar chest was our grandmothers?
Where is your heart trembling today?
Where do we long for rest physically, emotionally, relationally,
religiously, socially? Are we willing to
let God/Christ/Spirit have the first and last word in our lives? What would that look like or sound like? Hold this hymn that it might hum within you
today as a soundtrack to your life each moment.
LOVE DIVINE, ALL LOVE EXCELLING is a favorite of mine because it was sung at our wedding by a high school friend of my mother's. I felt the love of God blessing our marriage as he sang it and still do as we approach 59 years of marriage.