Wednesday, November 1, 2023

What are you wearing?!?


This week, we are leaning in and listening to Paul’s words about putting on the “armor” of God.  On Monday, we talked about how maybe God’s armor isn’t like Sir Lancelot’s metal armor, but God clothes God’s self in flesh, human vulnerability, and accessibility still to this day.  Yesterday, we pondered what costumes or masks we are wearing?  Which parts of your wardrobe (literally and metaphorical parts of our interior self) that you wear every day did you choose and which have been thrust upon you?

This reminds me of how one of the first suitcoats I was given was a hand-me-down from my father.  It was too big, the sleeves went past my wrists, and I swam in a sea of extra material.  But there was also something about that suitcoat that made me feel “adult”.  Like I had grown up just by putting that coat on.  There is that cliché that we are to dress for the job we want, not the one we have.  But sometimes life can feel like a suitcoat that is too big or shoes that are too tight.  Life can confine and constrain or feel too big like my dad’s suitcoat.

Where has this been true for you this week?

If life was clothing for you right now, describe it.  Or draw it.  Is life colorful and comfortable?  Does life feel like a shirt that no longer matches the expression of your soul?

Does life feel like a hand-me down or fit you like a glove?

Play with this metaphor.  How are you wearing your life right now as you begin the second to last month of 2023?  As always if you want to talk, be in touch.  May the grace of God wrap around you like a shawl of presence and the love of God be an umbrella that shelters you in the storms of these days.  Amen.

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