Thursday, November 2, 2023

Praying through our Closet


This week we are exploring clothing as a metaphor for faith.  Today, I want to invite you to do something very practical ~ go through your closet and prayerfully ponder what you really need.  John the Baptist said that if you have two coats give one away.  I don’t think he was being metaphorical or rhetorical.  This is a practical invitation for faithfulness.  As you go through your closet, remember some of the stories your shirts and pants and hats have to tell you.  The top you bought for that special occasion, that pair of jeans that are comfortable, that sweater that I haven’t worn since I moved to Florida ten years ago…wait, why do I have this?  Jesus said we are to go into our prayer closet, what if we took that literally today and prayed in our closets amid our clothing today?

Please pray with me,

God of all the colors of the crayon box, God who delights with sequins that sparkle and shine, glimmer and glisten, God who calls us to wear Your love and care out in the world, meet us here in this moment.  As we survey and scan the styles in our closets, help us notice and name how in the threads of our clothes, You have woven Yourself into our life.  You are a Seamstress who continues to fashion and form us with bands/threads of love.  You are a designer who dreams up new ways for us to inhabit this world.  Guide our life we knit this day to the fabric of all creation, connected to a web of life where there is beauty and fraying and patchwork holes that need repair again and again.  Help us mend the rips and tears of our life, knowing that You are the thread that keeps us together.  In the name of the One who wore Your love, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

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