Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Costumes of Life


Happy Halloween everyone!  I pray today you find a Spirit of fun and joy as you greet trick or treaters or head to a gathering of others. 

I wonder do you have a costume for tonight?

Of course, we all wear masks in our life.  Some of our masks are of our own choosing, some are forced upon us by family or society or peer pressure.  Some of our costumes are tight and confining to the point of suffocating.  Some of our costumes are new and don’t feel comfortable at all.  For example, my wife and I are living in this transitional time of being, “empty nesters”.  This is not a costume that fits right.  It feels some days like shoes that are two sizes too small, pushing in on my pinkie toe and causing my sole (or soul) to ache.  But, we are trying to find faithful ways to live into this new role, to write this new chapter in our lives, even when it seems like I have a severe case of writer’s block on how I am going to begin this chapter!

What costumes do you wear?  Or as Paul says in Ephesians, what armor are you wearing?  We are given armor by our church.  Some are given armor that deflects and defends.  Some have armor that wants to overthrow and be made the new queen/king.  Some have so many suits of armor because the narrative of their life is, “I consume, therefore, I am”.  Some are given an armor that has so many holes in it, it doesn’t even begin to protect or provide.  Some creatively make another set of clothing, set aside the armor of the world, for the way of God’s openness, care, and love.  God’s vulnerability and accessibility and endless blessings that flow to and from our lives. 

How might we put on this kind of “armor” today, on this last day of the month?  May this clothing find its way not only to your wardrobe, but in your very presence.  With God’s grace that reminds us that we are dust and breath.  Amen. 

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