Wednesday, June 14, 2023

ABC of life


This week we are taking on the role of lifestorian inspired by a book by Bruce Feiler.  On Monday we began a life timeline.  On Tuesday we named the wolves that we still face or fear or fight in our lives.  But this is more than just data or facts because humans are meaning making machines.  We constantly try to connect the dots and form conclusions.  As we do this, we would be well to remember Paul’s insightful words about not knowing why he did what he did (see the Morning Meditations from the week of May 22).  Feiler talks about the ABC of meaning. 

A is for autonomy or agency ~ you author the story you tell yourself and can edit it;

B is for belonging or connections, family/friends matter in our stories, we are not isolated individuals or as Genesis 1 says, it is not good for a human to be alone;

C is for cause or calling or purpose, we long to know that we are making a difference.

Look back at your timeline (or spiral or twisty map that you’ve been working on).  Put an “A” where you made a choice.  For example, I can put an “A” next to attending Drake University, United Theological Seminary, and Luther Seminary.  I can put an “A” next to the prayerful decisions about which church I would serve.  I can put a “B” next to marrying my best friend, the birth of children or visits to see my dad and brother.  I can put a “B” next to my mom’s death.  I can put a “B” next to people in our church who bless me.  And I can put a “C” next to places where I feel God’s love freely flowing through me like writing these meditations or preaching or being out in creation.  Remember from a few weeks ago, Ronald Rolheiser quote, “A healthy soul must put some fire in our veins, keep us energized, vibrant, living with zest, and full of hope as we sense that life is, ultimately, beautiful, and worth living.” Where on your timeline does the fire burn brightly ~ and you let your light shine.  May pondering the ABC’s of your life open you to the beautiful story you and God are collaborating to compose right now..

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