Thursday, June 15, 2023

What to do next??


So far this week, we have noted the twists and turns.  We have focused on the wolves (metaphorically) that challenged and changed us.  Yesterday, we added the layer of ABC (agency/belonging/calling or cause) as a window to make sense of our lives.  This week, I want to share one final thought from Feiler’s book.  He says there are actions we can take in our life right now.  He names these as:


Accept it ~ identify your emotions/thoughts/gut as one window to express what you are experiencing.

Mark it ~ ritualize the change through writing or painting or making something that symbolizes what is stirring within you.

Shed it ~ give up clinging for what was or controlling every last detail.

Create it ~ try new steps toward new ways ~ remembering that you didn’t arrive where you are overnight and won’t reach a destination in a single step.

Share it ~ seek wisdom from others, especially people who will listen to you.

Launch it ~ embrace and embody a new way of being, bravely move toward where God is nudging you.

Tell it ~ share what you are now experiencing that is different and distinct to others, this will help you continue to accept it~ and continue the cycle above. 


Feiler notes that in transition you will feel fear, sadness, shame, guilt, anger, and loneliness.  We often think, “Shouldn’t I be further along by now?!?”  As a runner, I know that my competition isn’t the person next to me in a race, but myself.  I know what pace or time I am aiming.  The person who passes me is running her own race.  And the point isn’t the medal at the finish line, those often gather dust in a drawer anyway.  The point is the process that begins with training, leading up to the excitement of starting the race, the challenge of midway through the race (when I wonder what was I thinking?!?), and finishing the race ~ even if I walk across the line.  May the words above help you today.  In the words of the Spiritual, “Guide my feet while I run this race, yes, my Lord! Guide my feet while I run this race, yes, my Lord! Guide my feet while I run this race, for I don’t want to run this race in vain!”  Feel free to sing this as a prayer today…and add the second verse, “Hold my hand, Lord, while I run this race”.  May these words be experienced in your life this day.  Amen. 

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