Friday, May 19, 2023



Tomorrow, our daughter, graduates from high school.  This is one of those moments when the past, present, and future all collide and come together.  The past of dropping her off at preschool, taking her to dance lessons, trips taken to Disney, events attended, and cheering her on as she found her voice in this world.  When she walks across the stage, it is a threshold moment.  She will begin to move from one chapter of life to another.  Tomorrow she will begin that transition from living with us, to venturing out to college.  As we celebrate, we look forward to the unfolding (unknowable) future.  Sure, we know some things.  We know where she will go to school starting in the summer, what day she will move into her dorm, and soon enough what classes she will take.  But there is so much that we don’t know about relationships or what will bring joy or sadness or challenges.  This is all part of life.  We are constantly in transition.  We live in the present, but carry the past with us into this moment, which will impact/influence tomorrow.  It is my deepest prayer for our daughter to know what doesn’t change is our love.  I deeply believe that love is elastic and expansive and inclusive.  Love can hold what was, what is, and what will be lightly.  Love can bless, through tears, as we move her into her dorm.  Love can be expressed over Facetime calls (there are some great things about technology!).  Love can be felt even when you are five hours away (or more).  In the end, love can be the thread woven through the fabric of life.  Love doesn’t issue a report card or degrees or demands but receives you fully as you are.  Love seeks to redeem what is broken.  To my daughter, I know this world doesn’t always work like what I have said above.  There are times pain or hurt will pay unwelcome visits.  Life is not smooth sailing, as much as I may wish you a life free from stormy seas.  Yet, it is my prayer that even on the most difficult, darkest nights, you will never doubt the love we have and will always have for you.  I pray for God’s love to embrace all those who are graduating this year, to celebrate joyfully, to sense the holiness of this time, and to take that step into the unknowable future knowing you that love is true and can be trusted. 

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