Thursday, May 18, 2023



Breathe in God’s strength to name the struggles…as we did on Monday.

Breathe out our deepest longing for God to be our help amid the hurt.

Breathe in God’s prayer for you to be fully alive…as we did on Tuesday.

Breathe out the cynicism that carries the pains of the past. 

Breathe in God’s wholeness that knits us together…as we did on Wednesday.

Breathe out the questions we return to time and time again about who/whose we are and what we are up to in the world.

God of holiness and wholeness, Your prayerful imprint on our life was a promise to embrace all that is and will be.  Help us be open to You in the good and not so great times of life.  Enliven us, fan to flames the fire in our veins, to share our life, even when others may not understand.  Remind us that You are not grading us, but guiding us with a love that will never let us go.  Release us from the words that have left wounds; those we’ve heard and those we’ve said to ourselves.  Release us from the constant demands for more and our addiction to busyness.  Release us to a way of life caught up in Your unending grace every day, especially this day.  With each breath renew and remind us we are yours.  Amen.

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