Monday, April 17, 2023

An Easter-ing Faith part Two


16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.  Matthew 28:16


Last week, we let the Easter story linger and leave an impression on our minds, hearts, souls, and lives.  We let the words of God’s emphatic “Yes” to life sink, simmer, and sing to us ~ infuse and inspire us.  The good news is that Easter is not just one day or week, it is actually a season that lasts fifty days (note this is longer than the 40 days of Lent).  Fifty days to let God roll away stones that define and confine us. This week, we turn to the very end of Matthew’s gospel which is often called, “The Great Commission”.  Or the blessing and sending.  Or, what in the name of all that is holy is Jesus thinking trusting the good news of God’s love to a bunch of people who just a few days ago deserted, denied, and betrayed him!!  Um, Jesus, perhaps you could re-consider if this is really the best move?? 


An Easter-ing faith affirms that just as we have faith in God…God has faith in usGulp.  Faith is a two-way street.  Faith isn’t just some gift that we possess as we think, “Mine, all mine” like some James Bond villain ~ insert stroking a cat and evil laughter here.  Faith means God moves toward us as we move toward God (we saw this in the Prodigal Sons narrative of Luke 15, where the father runs out to meet both sons). 


An Easter-ing faith begins by showing up.  That is exactly what the disciples do.  One aside here, there is heartbreak and soul ache in that word, “eleven”.  It points to the truth that one of the gang, Judas, didn’t make it to the reunion.  One member of the tribe is no longer present.  We know this to be true from our own stories where there are people who left fingerprints on our hearts, and then did/said something that shattered our souls like a glass hitting the ground scattering into a thousand sharp shards.  We all have relationships that are broken as part of our story.  Who is a person you cared for…and cared about you…then for some unexplainable reason left and even hurt you on the way out the door?  We all know Judas.  This is a reminder that we cannot control/change others.  People have agency and free will.  Others make choices.  We make choices too!  Humans are not just robots.  Or machines in need of an operating system upgrade.  Human brokenness has always been part of the story.


The disciples show up.  Which invites/invokes the question, where are you showing up right now?


Two thoughts on this ~ first notice that Jesus is already there when the disciples climb the mountain that day.  As you move about your life today, what would it mean to remind yourself that Jesus is already there.  When you walk into the doctor’s waiting room ~ Jesus is there.  When you open to the door for that meeting ~ Jesus is there.  When you sit down for dinner ~ Jesus is there.  Like most of life, we need to be intentional and even say this in our minds.  Or if you are bold and brave say this out loud, “Jesus is here”.  Jesus invites us to notice his presence is already wherever we find ourselves.


Second, I am taken by a definition of spiritual growth (which I believe is at the heart of an Easter-ing faith) by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr, “Spiritual formation is a process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of other.”  Note, the phrase, “being formed” implies an intentional, on-going, never-ending process and openness.   God is the One who does the forming ~ sometimes whether we show up or are too busy to pay attention.  I invite you to hold these words, let them stew and simmer and sing to your soul in these Easter-ing days.  Amen.

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