Friday, April 14, 2023

An Easter-ing Faith


Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers and sisters to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”  Matthew 28:10


When you rewind and review the videotape called, “Your life,” what are some of the first meaningful moments that formed your faith?  When you look at the photo album of your faith, what snapshots of the sacred do you recall?  Maybe it was a camping experience or a Sunday School teacher or a relative teaching you hymns or a mission trip that rewrote the story you tell yourself about your life. 


Jesus wants the disciples (and I love that Matthew says “brothers and sisters!”) to go to Galilee.  Galilee was where Jesus’ ministry all began.  Galilee was where the band of faith was formed and forged in the early days.  Galilee was like going back in time to a reunion. 


Perhaps part of an “Easter-ing” faith is what Richard Rohr calls, “transcend and include” or evolve and embrace.  It is so easy for us to be a harsh, hard critic with our previous (read ‘younger’) self.  We can think, “I can’t believe I wore that, thought that, did that…what was I thinking?!?” Yet, that moment, for all it’s brokenness, led you to where you are now.


Remember, Jesus is inviting the very people who deserted and denied him to this “happy” reunion.  Jesus is calling the band back together, even though the last time they saw each other didn’t exactly go so swell.  Maybe our past doesn’t need to define or confine us like a tomb.  Maybe we can hold yesterday a bit lighter.  Rob Bell has a great phrase when someone asks him about his past, he will say, “Oh that was 8 Robs ago.”  We continue to grow and evolve.  And in our growth we can judge our past self or we can embrace who we were that guides us to who we are.  When we are kinder to our past self, we can be kinder to those we encounter in the present moment. 


An “Easter-ing” faith can embrace the past.  And an “Easter-ing” faith celebrates God isn’t finished with us yet.  We continue to explore, experience, evolve, and embrace not just who we are becoming as well as who we have been.  May God’s inclusive love ~ a love that loves the YOU.  The “you” who wore bell bottom jeans, danced disco, said some things you wish you had not, let your job define your self-worthy, constantly wanted to be busy or…fill in the blank now for all the ways you wish you knew then what you know now ~ God’s love embraces all of you.  This is the Easter-ing truth and good news for our whole lives.  Amen.

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