Monday, October 3, 2022

Listening to God


Richard Rohr said that God's first testament was not written words, but creation.  The world around us preaches and proclaims God's presence if we pay attention.  Psalm after psalm declares this truth.  Psalmist speak of lifting eyes to the hills or walking in valley moments or a deer drinking water from a stream.  To pay attention to creation...which brings me to this photo:


That is a turtle wandering down the street.  Not sure what s/he/they are going.  Not sure if s/he/they were concerned about the weight of the world right now.  Not sure if this turtle was thankful to have survived the storm or was just searching for family or looking for a snack.  Just walking down the road.  


You know how slow turtles move.  They don't run.  I wonder, what might I learn from this moment in these days when the storms of life (literally and metaphorically) keep coming?  

I don't have a well developed sermon.  Just a hunch that God was trying to get me to pay attention, listen, and thankful that my path and the turtle's could cross for a few moments.

May you listen to the wisdom of God's presence found in creation this day and this week.

By the way, s/he/they let me get a close up shot too...I think the turtle was actually posing!!

God, help me listen and learn from the wisdom of Your creation today and this week.  Amen.

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