Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Comfort and Concern Side-by-Side


Finding Comfort in these days.  

I am reminded this morning of Psalm 94:19, "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me [great] joy."  Last week at this time, Hurricane Ian was washing up on the coast of Florida.  Last week at this time my anxiety was great.  I tried to focus on other tasks of writing bulletins or reading, but found myself constantly refreshing the weather page.  Last week at this time I was seeking consolation, comfort, and care~ usually finding that momentarily as I munched on M & Ms nervously.  

The Psalmist puts together two strong emotions ~ worry and joy.  Those two don't usually sit side-by-side within me.  Often my emotions are like the lunch room in a Middle School where tribes of youth all congregate based on interests ~ high achievers at that table and athletes at that table and kids who like that kind of music over there.  Inside me when worry starts to control the radio station of life suddenly all I hear is the equivalent of Country Music where nothings seems right.  

I am wondering if you have ever had a moment when worry and joy have shared the same space within your soul?  

Perhaps the moment that comes to my mind is when our children were born.  There was so much love and joy I thought my heart would burst open...and lots of concern about what kind of parent I would be.

One week later we know that there is still so much heart break and soul ache around us on the Gulf Coast, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.  We are seeing images of devastation.  We hear about flooding.  Reports from friends about damage done causes us to wonder if we have the strength.  

Then morning I read these words of wisdom, "It's okay if you need time to hide away and tend your wounds and heal from all the things that hurt.  That is what time is for.  But don't be surprised if you wake up one day and understand, in the deepest part of yourself that the time for hiding is done.  Then you will expand and keep expanding and this is the beauty."

If you need to hide today to grief this last week, may You sense God's love protecting and providing.

If you need to be frustrated or exhausted, may you find a safe space.

If you need to rejoice today for a blessing that has gotten you to this point, may those words find expression.

If you need to do all the above, may you know it is good and God hears all that.

If you need to talk, let me know.

May the One who holds our whole lives from anxiety to joy and every emotion in-between ~ sometimes that stir within us ~ be felt and experienced in your life today.

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