Thursday, June 23, 2022

This Moment Called, "Now"


As we pause to breathe and be today, what is stirring within you that you want to offer to God?  What is unresolved or unsolved in your life?  What blessings are blooming in your life?  Hold that which is part of your story called, “this week and this day” for a moment.


Breathe in God’s presence and peace…breathe out one thought you’d like to share with God..

Breathe in the desire we have to fix and repair…breathe out a person and place that is bugging or bothering you, releasing the person or place to God.

Breathe in the goodness and grace…breathe out a blessing you can name.


Now, repeat the above as many times as you need this morning.  Each time beginning by breathing in God’s presence and sharing with God what is stirring within you; then what is bugging or bothering you; then a blessing.  All three are important in writing the narrative of YOUR story called, “right now”.  I pray this moment this morning leaves an impression on the story you are telling yourself and will tell yourself every hour today.  With God’s love and blessing!

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