Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Morning Meditation


I pray yesterday you found yourself slowing down before you said the first thing that came into your mind.  I pray you are having fun experimenting with different ways you can hold, examine, and let God bless what you want to offer this world before tossing and throwing words out there.  Such intentionality and prayerfulness in how we move and interact and be in this world is a blessing. 


I wonder what struggles are you facing as you live a different way?  Maybe your friend wants to know why you are not as quick with the sarcasm as you were last week.  Maybe your family member is frustrated that you are not joining in bashing and blaming “those” people, but are now speaking with less edge to your words that can turn down the temperature.  Or maybe you felt frustrated because a conversation moved on and you felt like you never got a chance to contribute.  It is like when you are trying to enter a jump rope being swung by two friends and others keep hopping in before you have a chance.  We want to have the most lines in the story of our lives, and we want to be the one who is seen as witty and pretty and bright (to quote the song from The Sound of Music).  There will be tension in this prayer practice.  There will be plenty of chances for you to fall back into your usual way of speaking first and asking questions letter. 


A few weeks ago, I preached on the Parable of Wheat and Weeds ~ how we think we have the weeds all figured out, classified, and categorized.  How the weed Jesus was talking about might have been darnel that looks just like wheat until the harvest time.  I know my words have pulled plenty of weeds that ended up really being wheat, if I had just waited.  What we are doing this week is that “waiting, watching, watering” part of the parable rather than thinking we can race from planting to harvesting.  We are living in the resting time when the field needs to lay fallow before constantly spreading more seeds around.  I pray you will return to the wisdom of that parable, holding it as a way God might get a word in edgewise with wisdom for you. 

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