Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Battery Check Part Two


Yesterday, I invited you to do a battery check in your life.  I encouraged you to listen to your life.  I encouraged you to be aware and awake to the stories you are telling yourself about your life and the running commentary of your mind.  This is a prayer practice that takes time.  Actually, this prayer practice takes a lifetime.  There is no grand prize when you finish line.  This is not something you can cross off your to-do-list.  There is no moment when all the pieces of the puzzle of life finally fit together and you are done. 


To be sure, there are glimpses of grace, there are holy hints, there are lights of love in our lives. 


Pause with me to name and notice how you have seen the Lord so far in May?  I sensed the promise of new life at a concert with Ethan, talking to Olivia, and savoring ice cream with Gina.  I sense God last night at dinner.  I sensed God’s love as I listened to music and walked in silence.  As I survey what is in the net of my life so far for the month, I see fish (read here experiences/ encounters) that have fed me…and I see a few fish (events) I would like to toss and throw back.  I might be stretching the metaphor too thin, but not every fish (whether it is an experience, encounter, person, or place) will feed you.  And, I also want to be careful not to think that I am such a great fisherman that I have this all figured out; as if to say to God, “I’m good.  I know exactly which fish are good and bad.  You can go do something else.”  I need more wisdom as I sort and shift through the net of life.  I need more companions who will sail the seas of life alongside.


May you and I this day and week, be open to what is filling us and what is causing tears in the nets of life.  May you and I listen to the truth that sometimes an irritation can be a teacher and sometimes we need better boundaries.  May you and I continue in this season of Easter to let God co-author our story of life in ways that help us live love and as Easter people.  May this be so for all of us.  Amen.

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