Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Battery Check part Three


How is the battery of your soul doing today?  Does it need to be re-charged or replenished?  Sometimes we can connect to a source of energy that charges our battery in less than helpful or healing ways.  I can think that overscheduling myself can feed and fuel my life, only to find that I am always running on fumes.  I can think that I have to do this, I must do that; only to find some obligations are not holy.  I can get caught up in reading off a script of life where I am an actor playing a role I think I am supposed to play, rather than an agent called to let my life shine in ways that the world may not recognize or realize was possible or plausible.  To be sure, when you shine your light, some people are going to comment that what you are doing is too bright or you are doing it all wrong.  When we offer our light to the world, some might want to squelch or put a basket over our light.  

Not everyone is going to sign up to be president of your fan club, or even want to be a card-carrying member.


That hurts.  We like it when people like us.  It is a desire of the human heart.  And while we can nod our heads that we can’t be all things to all people, at the same time secretly in our hearts we plot and plan to win over 99%, only to find that we still want that last 1% to join in the fun.


How is the battery of your soul?  Today, can you find ways to tend your life and light?  Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.  Choose one way you might do this.  You might go get a massage or go for a walk.

You might talk to a counselor, your pastor, or a friend about both the good and not so great in life.

You might read the Bible passage for Sunday (Matthew 13:1-9) or pray.

You can notice your breath.


There are countless way to collaborate and create with our Creator this Wednesday.  There are countless ways God can help you co-author the story you are telling yourself.  There are countless fish (experiences and encounters) to be caught.  There is a holiness today.  Today is a beautiful day to live holy and wholly held by God.  May you and I be intentional and turn our attention toward God’s presence here and now.  This is the Easter way of life.  Alleluia and Amen.

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