Friday, December 3, 2021

Hope Part Five


I pray this week you have found these thoughts on hope helpful.  More than that, I pray something I wrote set your imagination spinning in new directions.   I pray you had the curiosity and courage to follow where your shy soul was nudging you to go.  I pray you rediscovered and reacquainted yourself with hope.

We wrap up and wind down this week returning to hope for you.

What does hope long for in your heart/life?

How might hope be embraced and embodied and expressed in your life now and throughout 2022?

What hopeful and hope-filled ways can the candle of hope spark a light you will let shine every day?

May the prayerful pondering of these questions…and our prayer-filled ways of living let loose the hope of God now and every day in the coming year.  Amen. 

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