Thursday, November 19, 2020

Baptism take four


As you read the meditations this week, I invite you to have a bowl of water in front of you.  You may want to begin by pouring out the water, hearing it splash at the bottom of the bowl and even splatter onto the table.  Now, I invite you to wet your thumb and trace the outline of the cross on your forehead.  Remember you are created in God’s image.  

Now hear these words from Matthew:

The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God’s Spirit—it looked like a dove—descending and landing on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.” Matthew 3:16-17, The Message

I wonder how Jesus made sense of this holy moment?  Did he think he had lost it because he was hearing voices and seeing things?  Did he say, “Must be a bit of water in my ears and eyes, because this doesn’t make sense!”?  Did his heart feel strangely warm and his soul surge?

How would you feel?  What would you think?  

Because God is claiming you.  God is calling you, the delight of God’s life, to let your light shine especially in this year.  You can let your light shine by calling someone you know who lives alone and might need to hear a loving voice.  You can flood a nursing home with cards for every resident knowing that the isolation and loneliness of this year are real.  You can compose a song to sing because we need music right now.  You can care for creation and work to make sure our great grandchildren will have a safe place to live.  You can…fill in the blank with what causes your heart to surge and soar.

God claims us and that truth changes everything, rearranges the mental furniture and sings to our soul.

Hold this truth.  Dip your fingers into the water to remember again that God’s baptismal love for you wasn’t just confined to some moment in a sanctuary with a pastor years ago; God’s baptismal love is for this day.

Prayer: Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me.

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