Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Baptism take three


Morning Meditation ~ Baptism

In addition to the bowl of water, I encourage you today to have a cup of coffee or tea or OJ or a favorite beverage ready as you read the following words from Joyce Rupp:

“if I wait to be
before I love myself
I will always be
and ungrateful

if I wait until
all the flaws, chips,
and cracks disappear
I will be the cup
that stands on the shelf
and is never used”

Baptism isn’t only external event, this sacrament (which means it is a tactile/tangible way of experiencing God’s grace) awakens an internal truth: you are a container of God’s love.  Just like the cup of coffee I hold in my hands right now, you are a vessel for God’s presence in the world today.  Suddenly I think, “WaitMe?  Hasn’t 2020 been hard enough?  Can I really do this?”  Perhaps you can hear why John protested baptizing Jesus in your own responses and reactions to letting the claim of baptism control the radio station of your life.

Yet, as the psalmist sang, “Our cups runneth over,” even now this year.  The good news about the vaccine.  The fact that I woke up this morning with my mind, stay on Jesus.  The ability to call someone and hear her voice.  My family.  The food I am eating.  You.  Especially you who are willing to read these devotionals so faithfully and offer amazing hymn suggestions!  I would say even facing our problems of the pandemic, polarization, and personal ones can be a moment when God enters in.  One of my favorite quotes is that struggles can either break you open or make you bitter.  Sometimes it does both!  Or, the truth will set you free, but first it can make you miserable.  As I have learned about my own biases this year, there has been struggle.  As I have tried to adapt to this new digital ministry there has been frustration.  As I have sought to be open to God, there are moments my soul has cried out.  Yet.  Yet, God’s grace has brought me safe this far.  The flaws, chips, cracks, and stains of this year on the cup of my life can also be a way God enters in.

How might that be true for you?

Prayer: God pour out Your love soaking and saturating my life every day.  Amen.

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