Friday, November 20, 2020

Baptism take five


As you read the meditations this week, I invite you to have a bowl of water in front of you.  You may want to begin by pouring out the water, hearing it splash at the bottom of the bowl and even splatter onto the table.  Now, I invite you to wet your thumb and trace the outline of the cross on your forehead.  Remember you are created in God’s image. 

As we wrap up and wind down this week of centering on baptism, I am wondering what is one truth you will carry with you?  Would you be willing to share in the comment section? 

What was it like each morning to baptize yourself?  Did beginning the day in this way make a difference?  Were there moments when you were about to say something but the evaporated water on your forehead caused you to pause and prayerfully ponder another way to express what was in your heart?  Were there moments each morning when you looked back at the past day to see places where God’s love was let loose and times you held back?

I ask all of this, not out of guilt, but from a place of grace.  God, who sees the foibles and faults of the cups of our lives not as flaws, but as part of who we are, created in God’s image.  I say this because I often learn best by doing it wrong before I get it right, not that I am proud to admit it.  I say this because we need to let God’s light saturate our full lives, not just the lives we share on Facebook.  So, take time today, to prayerfully ponder this past week.  I pray that as you do the cup of your life will overflowth with God’s love.

Prayer: Take my life and let it be, caught up with You in unity.  Take this moment and this day, let me rest in You to stay.  Amen.

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