Friday, April 24, 2020

Words We Are Living With ~ Loneliness

The words just keep getting better, don't they?

I am honestly impressed that you even opened this blog post...and that you are still reading.  I mean seriously, how could loneliness ever be a good spiritual practice?  We are social creatures who have been away from each other for too many days.  For those who live alone, the pain of loneliness can be palpable and even damaging to health.  Even if you have people around you, loneliness can still sit within you when you are in a room with others.

Loneliness, like waiting and silence, can invite us into something deeper.

You are crafted and created in God's image...but when do you spend time with that truth in a deep diving way?  Really only when we are forced to.  To be lonely, doesn't acknowledge that within us is so much that needs our attention.  To be lonely means that there is space to let the interior out into the light of day.

You can do this by writing,
Drawing (color your feelings or just randomly make shapes)
Singing (after all no one is listening)
Looking - remember how in Advent we talked about gazing not glimpsing?
Leaning into this moment
And so much more.

The portal to the sacred can sometimes only be entered on our own.  The doorway is narrow, just enough space for you.  And the key that unlocks that door is the space and time to walk through and explore.

I pray this day there will be a moment of loneliness, that invites you into silence, where you wait.  Wait without expectations.
Listen without willing yourself to hear something.
Be alone knowing that God's presence is with you.

May God's abundant and amazing grace be with you now more than.

Blessings ~~

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