Monday, April 27, 2020

Music Mondays

In the coming weeks, on Mondays, I will offer you music mediation that stirs my soul.

Before playing the above video...breathe and be.

Breathe in to the count of four.
Hold the breathe for a moment.
Now exhale to the count of five or six.

Again, engage that rhythm of breathing.
And one more time trying to exhale all the stress and strain and uncertainty we constantly carry.

Now, as you listen I want you to close your eyes.

What images are awoken in your mind?
What emotions do you sense stirring in your soul?
What colors are evoked by the melody of the music?
If you had to write a story
Or poem
Or painting
Or response to this music...
What would it be?

I see in my imagination myself walking in the wilderness.  I am wandering - which is important because sometimes our walking is intentional...we have somewhere to be and a time to arrive.  But with this music, I am where to be and no time to be there.  I see a butterfly sail past, a bird perching on a branch near by, the rustling of a leaf waving at me.  Creation preaching to me that our goodness of which we are created cannot be defined only by what we produce or the items crossed off our to-do list or the balance of our bank account.  As human beings...just being and breathing is to the glory of God.
As I pause...perhaps at a stream or lake...looking at my own reflection, the waters of life that run within us all, I find a peacefulness as the music ends.

Now...let loose your inner muse.
Let loose with words
Or colors
Or poems
Or a response that is evoked from the notes that are sinking down into your soul.

And may this be more than just a trace of God's grace and may God's love be with you now more than ever.

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