Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Words We Are Living With ~ Silence

If waiting is the hardest part...silence has to be a close second.  Let's face it, even if there are no external sounds, our interior chatter (what Buddhist's call, "The Monkey Mind") loves to fill in any space.  The second we sit down without the radio or television as background filler, it is as if our minds say, "Oh, I am so glad you are here...let's ruminate on what your brother/mother/sister/ cousin/ co-worker/volunteer, etc...) said last Tuesday!!"  Or your heart says, "Pardon me, but that pain from the words or actions of another has been sitting here for the last two months and I think we should pay some attention to that."  Or your soul says, "Don't forget about me.  Remember that New Years' resolution to live more peacefully or to pray or to read the is that going?"

We can fill to overflowing and flooding any quiet moment without any street noise because the traffic going on within always has more than enough to pay attention.

I do think sometimes God work through those thoughts, heart breaks and soul aches.
I do think we need to pay attention to our interior life.
I do think it isn't all about us.

Entering into silence is about letting God get a word in edgewise.  Mystics say that silence is God's first language...and you thought it was the King James, Queen's English.  It's okay...I did too.

Silence isn't about "getting" is holy unproductive time.  Just enter the silence letting it absorb you...not so you can solve problems or compose a grocery list or come up with your next blog post.  Silence is the gift of being in the moment fully.

There is so much in every moment...most of which we miss.

To be in silence, that is my invitation for you this day.  Right now.  Five minutes.  Set a timer.  Most meditation folks say you will need a mantra...some word to say when that Monkey Mind starts chattering and clamoring away.

Mantra could be:
Avocado (although that might make you use with care).

The mantra is a touch stone just to remind you to, "Shhhh, breathe and be".  Stop.  Five minutes.  When you are done, you may not have anything to show for it, any great idea, or even like it.  But the point isn't the take away, the point is to be so fully in this moment that your whole self is paying attention.

May you be surrounded by more than a trace of God's grace in this moment.

Blessings ~~ 

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