Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Word Wednesday

Years ago...when I selected the name of these posts as "Grace Traces"...there were several things that seemed to fit and fall into place.

1. The title rhymes...I really liked that.
2. Grace for me is central as a part of my is the often invisible and yet always accessible presence of the holy.
3. Without would be like trying to survive without air or water or chocolate...simply not possible.

Grace is one of those words we can toss and throw around.  Grace is sometimes that extra strength we need when we are depleted or deflated.  Grace is that sensation that can stir from the top of our heads to our pinkie toes...a warmth that wraps around us.  Grace is that moment when goosebumps cause the tiny hairs on our arms to stand on end or that spine tingling feeling that races and runs down our back.

Grace is hard to define because some many of our ordinary words don't seem to measure up.

Grace cannot be quantified.

Yet in stories grace can come from deep within me to you.

Grace is my family sitting at the table laughing at something so foolish that if you all walked into the kitchen you would think us mad.
Grace is the wind that refreshes and renews when I am out walking alone.
Grace is hearing another person's voice who I was just thinking of calling, but she called me first.
Grace is quiet.
Grace can be loud with joy.
Grace can be a treasure to ponder on our own.
Grace can be shared with others extravagantly.

Hold the word, "Grace".
What is evoked for you by that word?

What images?

What experiences?

What color of crayon would you pick up to write the word, "Grace"?  And why?

How might you be open intentionally and prayerfully to the traces of God's grace this day?

May these words and especially questions be a blessing to you this day.

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