Wednesday, April 1, 2020

It's Lent

Okay...this is a bit of musical whiplash from the last post to today.  But I love how diverse the guitar can sound.  Sometimes I can get caught in a rut - whether I am talking about my writing or thinking.  I am posting these two diverse pieces featuring the same instrument to remind us all that there are many different sounds that can be expressed in and through us.

I don't always need to write the same way...but can explore new words and ways. But sometimes my reluctance to leave the rut can be based both on my own expectations and others expectations.  I can get trapped in a system where I get good feedback based on what I am doing...why risk trying something else. After all, we learned the cliche, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  Why leave what is working?

There are good reasons to stay in a place that is comfortable.

But there are also good reasons to continue to try new ways of expression and experiences.  If we only played the guitar fast and furious as the last post, we may never hear some of the more soothing ways of the above video.  If we only stay stuck in one way of being, we might never fully experience all the ways we are crafted/created in God's image.

Your life is a guitar.

How you play the strings of your days is a choice.  If we keep strumming the same chords, we might find that familiar...but we might never hear how different chords played at different tempos can create beautiful melodies never heard before.

Is your soul right now a bit frantic and frenzied?  Or soothed?  Or somewhere in-between?

If you had to choose a theme song for your life right now, what might that be?  And more importantly, why?

I pray you will continue to find ways to be open to the One who is still composing your life and mine in beautiful ways.

Many blessings ~~

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