Monday, March 30, 2020

It's Lent

Okay...this may not be the normal music you would expect .  But, this video just makes me smile.  The energy and passion of Rodrigo y Gabriela leaps from my computer screen capturing my heart.  Maybe part of this is that I wish I could play the guitar like this.  Okay, I just wish I could play the guitar.  Sometimes music communicates so much without words. 

This music takes me on a journey.  A journey from excitement to silent, still moments.  As we come up on Palm Sunday next weekend, I hear in this the truth of Gospel.  I can hear the crowds who have gathered to welcome Jesus singing and shouting, "Hosanna."  I hear the intimate quiet of the Last Supper.  The powerful passion of Good/God's Friday.  Then, the triumphant joy of Easter morning.  If Holy Week could be captured in one piece of music, this might be a good example.

What do you hear in this?
What do you experience in watching the video?
Where does it stir your soul or awaken questions?

I encourage you to listen to this a few times today.  Sometimes when we hear something for the first time, especially something that doesn't fit neatly into our categories, we might be tempted to shrug our shoulders and leave it.  But sometimes when we return to a piece of music...or a poem...or a sermon a little later ~ we hear something that was hidden in plain sight. 


Lean in.

Be open to this anthem for what awaits us this coming Sunday.

With many blessings ~~

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