Friday, April 3, 2020

It's Lent

In the last post, I asked about a theme song for your life.  I am not sure I could decide on just one.  That would be like trying to pick my favorite flavor of ice cream.  I mean, let's face it, most ice cream is good ice cream.

But there is something about Phillip Wesley's music that moves my soul...especially since we share a name in common!

As you listen to this beautiful piece of music...slow read this poem by Susan Palo Cherwin.

St. Therese certainly knew the dark night of the soul; St. John of the Cross, Jonah in the belly of the whale, the Israelites in captivity,

And most likely every person has known the dark night of the soul.

That rocky place of such sadness; or grief; or fear that it is almost death.

That place where the air is too heavy for speech, too thick almost for breath.

In this deepening spiral of becoming, down and down and deeper down in the belly of the whale.

We may want to lay aside our harps, we may want to shake a fist at God.  Why me?

Why now!  The dark night of the soul is not reserved for some elite group of mystics and saints or for God’s chosen people.

It is a part of every life journey.  It is spiraled into often more than once in a lifetime.

And Christ says to us, “Do not be defeated.  Do not be dismayed.  I am here.”

And together we will return.  Together we will walk into the Light.

May the music and words together offer you more than a trace of God's grace in these days.

With many blessings ~~ 

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...