Friday, October 18, 2019

Soul-scape - Prayer

The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations, proclaimed and preached John at the end of Revelation. 
Such a statement causes me to ponder prayerfully, what kind of leaves could heal the nations today?
Would the leaf be green with new growth?
Would the leaf be afire with autumn gold?
Would the leaf offer aloe for the soul, even as that soothing liquid hides behind thorns?
Would the leaf be purple, like the one above, causing our souls to delight and even dance?
I prayerfully commitment myself to constantly looking, searching for such a leaf today.

Then, I stop to wonder if by chance it is our life that brings forth the leaves of healing?
Is what I am saying offering balm to heal the sin-sick soul?
Is what blossoms and blooms new with life or stuck in the past?
Is what I bring forth helping or hurting or somewhere in-between?
Do I join in the dance of delight or do I stay stymied on the sidelines of cynicism?

The leaves are for healing.
Our lives are for healing.

These words are more than a prayer for me, but an invitation to be enlivened and embodied in my life in these days.

I pray these words might awaken traces of God's grace in your life in these days.

Blessings ~~

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