Monday, October 21, 2019

Soul-scape - Patterns of Creation

Streaks of pink stripe the sky against the dark blue backdrop.
While the warm yellow sun slowly and softly and silently sinks.
Hours before the sky, bright and brilliant with blue.
Hours before the sun had shone down with such force to not be ignored.
But that was hours before.

Nature invites us into the paradoxical rhythm of life. 
Nature can be slow, steady, almost unseen in growth like rings of a tree added.
But sometimes nature picks up her pace in the blink of eye.
Blazing sun that relaxes and relents and releases after only a few hours,
Which in the span of time cannot even be measured.

To walk daily is to let creation, God's first testament,
                 silently invite you to wonder.
Wonder as you wander out under the sky proclaims the hymn.
Wonder as you wander inspired the Psalmist to compose and poets to create and paints to pick up the brush.
But we seem less concerned with the witness of creation today.
We'd rather check our social media feed.
And in full disclosure...I took the above photo with my iphone.
Ironically guilty.
But I didn't feel the need to immediately post or count the likes.
I let those pink stripes against a dark blue sky preach to my soul the rest of the walk.
I watched as they waved their goodbyes and let the black night sky enter.
I watched...listened...waiting...wondered.
Perhaps there is more than a trace of God's grace if you would do the same this week.

Blessings ~~ 

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