Saturday, June 11, 2016


You discern my thoughts from far away, O God.  You search out my path and my lying down.  And are acquainted with all my ways.  Psalm 139:2-3

Wait...all my ways??
Does that really mean those ways of grumbling and grousing?
Does that really mean those moments I get frustrated and fumed?
Does that really mean that moment...when I said that thing...which I am totally NOT gonna post on-line for everyone else to know too?

But does that also mean that moment I made my children laugh?
That moment of healing, whole touch of the one I love and promised to spend my life with?
That moment when I could set aside the world's voice of success and listen for You, O God?

Does that mean that messy middle moment? When I didn't know which way was up?
Does that mean that moment of doing dishes and cleaning house?
That moment I got lost in thought while mowing the lawn?

Does it mean my way of trying too hard?
Does it mean my moments when I realize You love me not in-spite of all my ways, but because of them?

That almost seems too good to be true.
Because every other voice clamoring chaotically around me says:
"You need to consume!"
"Your self-worth is tied to your net-worth!"
"What did you do today?"

Help me hear more than the ways of the world...
Help me hear more than the ways of my own head...
Help me hear Your ways...Your ways of peace, hope, joy, love.
Your ways of grace that lead us home.
Your ways that are not my ways.
Set me on Your way, O God!  This day and throughout the days to come.


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