Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Midweek Prayer

In the morning when I rise...
In the morning when I rise...
In the morning when I rise...
Give me Jesus.

This day that You have made, O God.
This day with all its beauty and brokenness.
This day with all its items clamoring for accomplishment.
This day with all its calling to achieve and prove.
This day with a sunrise and crashing tide that I had nothing to do with...
This day with this very breath right here.
This day with a warm cup of coffee that awakens me.
This day with a bird chirping and tree frog crying outside my window.
This day for a walk around the block while clouds sail past rushing to points unknown.

Four percent....scientists say that we know four percent of this world.
In school I was taught that four percent was the be all and end all.
Memorize and recite that four percent.
Study that four percent.
But what about the other ninety-six?
What about depths of oceans where sea creatures live in the dark, navigating the mud and muck?
What about the height of the sky where planes and rockets haven't ever touched?
What about that house down the block where I don't even know who is insight?
What about that part of my soul that I haven't ever explored?

Four percent...that might be too generous!
So this morning when I rise
Remind me that life is not a puzzle to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.
Remind me that the three best words might be, "I don't know!"
Remind me that it is okay to be an explorer rather than an expert.
And remind me that the One who walked this world, loved this world, embraced and was embraced by this world...Jesus the Christ...promises to go before, beside, behind and beneath me all day.

Yes, when I rise, give me an open heart
An active imagination
And a attitude attuned to You, O God.
This is the day You have made, let every moment my life rejoice and join in You.


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