Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Midweek Prayer

You have searched me and known me, O God.  You know when I sit down and when I rise up ~ Psalm 139:1-2

There is comfort in Your presence, O God.
A mysterious comfort;
An indescribable comfort;
A sense that I am known more fully than I know myself.

There is challenge in Your presence, O God.
A sense that I don't know as much as I think I do.
A sense that I can't think and solve my way out of everything.
A sense that grace is not mine to embrace, but to be embraced by.

There is care in Your presence, O God.
A reassurance that today need not only be measured by the items crossed off my to-do list;
A reassurance that this breath...right an ineffable gift;
A reassurance that "Beloved" is not a title bestowed, but a truth to be felt.

There is calling in Your presence, O God.
That out of seven billion people, no one is quite the same exotic cocktail as I.
That out of seven billion people, I might share my heart and hands in beautiful, life giving ways.
That out of seven billion people, I might add my voice to the chorus of Your still speaking voice.

I pray that I would be in-tune and attune to You.
Not just in this moment, but every moment.
Not just when convenient, but continuously.
Not just in this sweet hour of prayer, but throughout this day.

When I sit down and when I rise,
When I speak and when I keep silence,
When I feel Your calm and when my shoulders tense up and jaw protrudes,
Help me stay open to You.
Surround me and sustain me this day.
Let my prayer rise up like incense and every word as an offering to You, source of all that is and will be this day.


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