Thursday, February 27, 2025



So far this week, we have read all of chapter 6 in Matthew, we have vulnerably opened our checkbooks to God (not with trembling but with hope for God to graciously get a word in edgewise) and we have come before God honestly/prayerfully as we tried to lay down our agendas and wishes ~ as though God was a genie in a bottle.  We embraced and embodied the holy act of vulnerability ~ to be in God’s presence.  Today, let’s dwell on the word, “fasting”.  This word usually means denying ourselves.  For example, next week, March 5, we begin Lent.  One prayer practice is to give something up (chocolate or soda or alcohol or over functioning).  This is one way of fasting.  But this prayer practice needs not only be for food, but it can also be to refrain and reframe that which we have elevated and are emulating.  For example, there are things we worship, sacrifice at the altar of life, physically ~ we can become addicted to exercise or too many twinkies or binge-watching Netflix.  We can worship at the altar of always being positive or being cynical and critical.  We can worship at the altar of committing to doing everything at church (oh, that one is close to home!) or we can worship a relationship where we are so enmeshed that we can’t be happy unless our friend, partner, or family member is happy.  We don’t know where we end, and they begin.  Fasting is paying attention to what we are consuming and what is consuming us.  It can be news, work, fast food, alcohol, sex, money, being praised, or people pleasing.  Fasting is to be aware of what we turn to when we are stressed out to numb the pain.  This takes time and this passage is so powerful as we look to being the season of Lent.  What do you need to refrain from and reframe your one wild and precious life to create space for the holy?  Where and toward what do you race and run the second your restlessness starts to make you feel like you want to crawl out of your skin and go buy a yurt in the desert?   Listen to your life, because that is where God shows up.  As always, find a partner, a soul friend to talk to as you process all that is stirring with you and around you.  With God’s love.  Amen.

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