Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Reflection


I remember my very first job was at Bishop’s Cafeteria.  I started in the dish room pulling piping hot plates off a conveyor belt of an industrial dishwasher.  Every day, I got a facial with the steam and my fingers were wrinkly from constantly being wet.  I would take my earns to the record store ~ remember those ~ to purchase the latest music on cassette tape.  I still remember scoffing when compact discs came out, who would want those?!  Afterall, I’d invested a small fortunate in cassette tapes that looking back seems about as wise as thinking that Beanie Babies would only increase in value!  I clearly should have taken a class in money management earlier in life.  From that first job, I learned about hard work and how to receive feedback.  Eventually, I was “promoted” to washing the floors ~ which came with an extra quarter per hour in pay.  I was living the dream.  Take a moment to recall some of the jobs you’ve had over your life.  What lessons did you take away?  I know my first church taught me so much; I know my second church left imprints on me too; I know the church and people I serve now are continuing to deepen my education daily.  I don’t think I will ever consider myself an “expert” in my field.  Do you remember co-workers and bosses?  Can you see faces and hear their voices?  What ways did your jobs shape you in healthy ways and what hurts still need to be processing that pain? 


I pray the work of your hands, hearts, head, and whole life from the past might open you to the ways God was at work in your life and continues to guide you in how/when/where you still show up today to be part of the on-going work of the realm of God. Amen

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