Thursday, April 25, 2024

Tending Home


As we explore Earth Week, honoring that from dust (earth/soil/mud) we are made and that we have a mixture of soil and star dust in our souls this reminds us of the truth that we are what we experience in the world.  We are not separate from creation, but so tangled and twisted, we don’t know where the earth ends, and we begin ~ despite our amateur attempts to conquer and control.  After all, you cannot make it rain or be sunny today.  After all, the squirrel in your backyard doesn’t do tricks to entertain you.  After all, I can barely make a tomato grow despite all the effort and energy I pour into that plant.  Creation tells us of the fragile, fleeting parts of life ~ all life ~ including yours and mine.  Creation tells us that death and resurrection didn’t just happen but are happening right now around us and within us.  I love this poem/prayer:


God our (Creator/Animator/Artist/Director/Divine Conspirator)
You created the world and sent your own Son to live among us,
made of the same stuff, breathing the same air,
marveling at sunrise and sunset just as we do.

Help us to participate in the life around and within us as your life,
as you are living in us and we are living in you and in each other.

God of love and life, restore us to your peace,
renew us through your power and teach us to love all that you have created and to care for the earth as your gift and our home.


May we tend our home (not just the physical structure that provides a roof over our heads ~ but all creation as home) with a loving touch and careful caress worthy of the holiness that is woven into every blade of grass and breathing being.  May our acceptance move beyond other featherless bipeds to realize the relationship God knit together was with all God crafts and creations.  From the beginning to this day, we are in a the partnership with all that is and all that God calls holy.  Amen.

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