Friday, April 26, 2024

Morning Meditation


Creator God, You are a Genius at play.  You continually sink deep Your fingers into our lives and world; You continue to sing to our souls through birds and winds whistling outside our windows; You continue to conduct a symphony that is unfinished and a harmony that is about more than humanity.  Unfathomable and unfinished God, help us listen for You.  Quiet the agendas in our minds, our plotting and planning that seem so reasonable and rationale.  Silence our attempts to solve everything or trust that we can build a better computer software that will magically make everything better.  Stop our endless hustle and bustle to sit and admit our addiction to busyness.  Help us God, amid the flurry and scurry of life that leaves us exhausted and empty as the inside of a chocolate Easter bunny.  Remind us that one more book, class, sermon, morning meditation, retreat, vacation, or volunteer moment won’t solve everything.  Help us breathe and be.  Help us pray the words of the Psalm 46


Be still, and know that I AM, God.

Be still, and know that I AM

Be still, and know

Be still



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