Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Morning meditation


Whatever else Christian faith has been about, it has always included the proclamation of new possibility, an opening to a new reality that transcends the present limits of ourselves and our lives.  Margaret A. Farley

Yesterday, to mark the beginning of Epiphany I invited you to read a poem and prayer for your house ~ your physical house and the house of this year.  The wonderful invitation in Epiphany is to bless both our physical house, the roof over our heads, the windows that let in the sunlight, the refrigerator that keeps food cold, and the table where we eat.  We bless our homes because our homes bless us in many ways.  

Home is not just an external structure, there are many rooms in your soul.  There are rooms where you can rest because you feel comfortable.  There are cellars where cobwebs cling to the corners and you store all the stuff/cardboard boxes of emotional or relational or spiritual things you have forgotten are down there, until someone says something that blows the dust of that box bringing it back into your consciousness.  There are rooms you have not yet explored in your soul, because our souls continually evolve and expand ~ just as God’s love does.  My invitation for you this Tuesday is to ask, where are you curious?  The Wise Ones let their curiosity loose on a long journey.  What awakens your sacred imagination?  Please note this could be something practical ~ like learning a new language for a trip.  Or it could be something spiritual ~ like forgiving or reading scripture or prayer. 

I love the quote above from Margaret Farley because she reminds us, God is not finished with any of us yet.  As long as you have a breath within you, God continues to clear away the clutter.  On Christmas Eve we opened the door to the stable like places of our lives to make a manger-size place for God.  The invitation was to do this, not only when singing Silent Night drenched in candlelight, but every day.  So today, open your soul to God’s stirring to see what our still Composing, Cooking, Creating, Collaborating Creator is up to in your life.  May you uncover and discover a new reality ~ that might feel risky as it did when you were a kid going down to the basement to get the Valentine’s decorations.  But you had courage then and can have courage now to explore your evolving faith.  Please remember, you don’t need to start with the risky place where you are curious, you don’t have to start with skydiving or wrestling alligators.  Maybe it is reading one book of the Bible.  Maybe it is calling one person.  What is stirring in your heart?  Lean in and listen for there in the manger size place within us is where we find the holy.  With God’s love to you this Epiphany week. 

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