Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Keep Dancing in Doubt


Faith and Doubt, both are needed – not as antagonist but working side-by-side – to take us around the unknown curve ~ Lillian Smith

Yesterday, I invited you to search your soul for where you are curious in these early days of 2024.  What topics or themes cause you to perk up and where want to know more?  As you begin to explore new places and spaces in your soul ~ like taking up art or reading poetry or trying to walk outside in wonder ~ you might have an inner critic who suddenly appears and begins to babble with color commentary about how the dog you painted looks like a platypus.  Or maybe the inner critic fans to fames the frustration because you don’t quite “get” the poem.  Or you miss a few days of walking and your inner critic tells you to throw in the towel, it is no use. 

But in the stillness of your soul there is also your inner ally.  Your inner ally cheers you on and reminds you that three times a week walking outside listening to the birds is a habit and two days count as well, and one day is wonderful!  Your inner ally nudges you to read the poem again to see if there is one word that leaps off the page or a sentence that you linger over.  Your inner ally doesn’t worry about the mistakes or miscues because your inner ally knows that we usually do it wrong before we ever get it right.  Your inner ally knows that doubts are okay.  There is room in faith for the unknown and mystery and uncertainty.  We don’t see clearly down the corner and around the block ~ no one can unless you are Superman or Wonder Woman ~ we don’t have X-ray vision.  We do have God’s presence with us.  We do have God who delights in doubts, because those are questions, and when we curiously follow our questions they take us on quests or journeys.  Welcome the questions today.  Welcome the realization that it is risky to try something new knowing that you may not be the next Picaso, but if painting delights your heart and awakens your soul ~ God meets you there.  Welcome the frustrations and listen to why you feel a bit afraid, those are good insights into the rooms of your soul. 

This Epiphany, this year, continue to explore with enthusiasm God’s guidance, even when you come to a curve and don’t know what is on the other side of the bend, we do trust God’s love is already there up ahead waiting.  And hold close these words from Rob Bell, “Doubt is often a sign that your faith has a pulse, that it’s alive and well and exploring and searching.  Faith and doubt aren’t opposites, they are, it turns out excellent dance partners.”  Continue dancing, my friends!

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...