Monday, July 31, 2023

Re-writing from Your Heart


As we continue to play in the sandbox of the psalms, this week, I want to invite you to re-write the psalms in your own words.  Please note, this is not a test.  There is no grade.  Second, you don’t need to know Hebrew, I am not asking for a word-for-word translation.  I am asking you to open your sacred imagination.  I ask that you read the psalm of the day first.  You may even wish to read the words from two or three translations.  Then, let the words you’ve read evoke and provoke a prayer/song from your soul in response. 

Today, we turn to Psalm 8.  Read this through a few times, then try to hear what your shy soul is saying in response.  Here is my take:

God, You are a Genius at play.  You are not so somber or serious that it is, “all work and no play/fun/laughter/joy.”  You know what it is like to coo with an infant and color with all the crayons alongside a toddler, such actions put our enemies to shame.  I see how You twinkle like the diamonds in the sky, glow like a moonlight shimmering on the sea, and soar with the blue jay flying from branch to branch. 

With all the glory, what am I?  Who am I?  Why do You insist and persist to call us featherless bipeds, “Beloved”?

Yet, You call us to be collaborators and conspirators and co-creators.  You call us to be stewards, tending all creation with the loving respect of caring for what You are making here and now.  Help me live my human-sizeness in relationship with You.  When I survey all Your sacred imagination has brought forth, God, You are a Genius at play!  Amen.

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...