Monday, July 24, 2023

Grounded and Guided by God in the Psalms


A few weeks ago, in a sermon I suggested reading through the psalms.  It seems like a good idea to practice what I preach.  So, for the next few weeks, we will dare to dive into this idea.  One psalm a day, leaning in and listening to the words, exploring different translations, and even attempting to prayerfully write your own psalm.  Here is the Message translation of Psalm 1

How well God must like you—
    you don’t walk in the ruts of those blind-as-bats,
    you don’t stand with the good-for-nothings,
    you don’t take your seat among the know-it-alls.

2-3 Instead you thrill to God’s Word,
    you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden,
    bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
    always in blossom.

4-5 You’re not at all like the wicked,
    who are mere windblown dust—
Without defense in court,
    unfit company for innocent people.

God charts the road you take.
The road they take leads to nowhere.

When I read the first verse, “How well God must like you.”  I don’t hear that as a, “Well, aren’t you special” kind of way.  I would say Psalm 1 reminds us that “Beloved” is our first, middle, and last name.  Beloved is both a noun and a verb.  “Beloved” is both a description of who I am in relationship to God AND how I am called to be in the word.  I am both beloved to be love in the world.  When I do that, I don’t get stuck in the ruts of cynicism or constant criticism of the less-than-perfectness of the world, rather I roll up my sleeves and set out to do what I can in collaboration, cooperation, and conspiring with God.  I am careful to not get tripped up or trapped in thinking that I know it all.  Because my point of view is a view from a point.  I do want to nuance the Message’s translation of “stand with good-for-nothings,” because I believe Jesus stood with those the fringe and fray, those looked down upon and called, “never do wells”.  So, I do stand with fellow humans who are hurting and feel harmed by this world.  I do stand with those who are frustrated and fearful.  I do stand with those who feel pushed aside.  I do stand with those who think they know-it-all.  I do seek to share God’s love with those who cross my path ~ not as some strategy or scheme that I have plotted or planned, but because that is the way I live my deepest identity.  Grounded in the Source of Being ~ love; rooted in the soil of the earth from which we are all made; and seeking to share the fruit of the spirit from Galatians 5:22-23 (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) for the sake of the world.  This is the road less traveled, but it is the road where I sense the Sacred stirring and renewing and refreshing me always.  Take time today to “chew on Scripture” and may you sense a thrill in these words.  Amen.

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