Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Song to God


Today, I want to invite YOU to paraphrase Psalm 96 in your own words.  I would LOVE to have you share this with me.  Here is my attempt.

Chanting, caroling, crooning Creator, 

You both compose and conduct and create a song called, “Life”.

You invite all that is within us and around us to join in this praise of prayer.

As You bless us, we pray our hymns of hope will bless You.

Stretch us so that our songs don’t become monotone or where we just mumble or even mouth the words half-heartedly.

Awaken our sacred imaginations, unclog our ears to hear unexpected voices in the chorus, and let our hearts be strangely warmed as we open our lips.

Holy One, John Wesley invited us to, “Sing lustily”, knowing that our deepest desire is You.

So let our life be a song that gets caught up in the rhythm and harmony and rhyme You are evoking and provoking in each of us this day.

When it seems like others are on a different sheet of music, help us not cling to ours.

When it seems like life is just a noisy cacophony, redirect us to You.

When we stumble and bumble and completely miss the notes and words, remind us that in this rehearsal of life we can stop and re-group, breathe and try again.

God, You are God of all that is around us and within us.  Help us join Your sacred song this day.  Amen. And Amen.  

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