Thursday, May 25, 2023

Breath Prayer


Today I invite you to practice a breath prayer using scripture.  The way this works is to select a piece of scripture ~ usually one short sentence.  You could choose, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  Or “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord.”  Or “For God so loves the world, God sent God’s son.”

Once you have a verse, get comfortable ~ feet flat on the floor, shoulders relaxed, spin straight, and feeling centered.  When you breathe in, say the first part of the sentence, “The Lord is my shepherd”.  Then hold for the count of four, as you do open your sacred imagination to what those words provoke and evoke for you today.  As you exhale, say the second the part of the scripture, “I shall not want.”  Then ask, what do these words provoke and evoke?  I encourage you to repeat this process five or six times.  See what new ideas or insights dance within you each time you return to your selected sentence.  May this practice help you breathe and bathe in scripture this day.  May you know God’s love, hope, peace, and presence.  Amen.

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