Friday, February 24, 2023

Lent 3


During the season of Lent, I invite you to dive in and dwell in the Gospels.  Between now and Easter Sunday (April 9th), I encourage you to join me on a journey in reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 


Wait…you think…I didn’t know there was homework!!


I understand if this Lent is not the right time for you to engage in this invitation.  I understand if you are in a season of stress and strain, that perhaps this Lent you need to subtract rather than add something to your life.  This Lent you may long to sit outside and listen to God’s first testament (before the Hebrew or New) called, “Creation”.  I honor that one more thing may feel like too much.  And if there is some curiosity at reading the Gospels during Lent, this might be the time to dare to dive in.  Please know that reading the four gospels between now and Easter means about 3 chapters a day with catch up days…always love days to catch up.  Know that if all you do is read ONE gospel, God’s good news will meet you there.  Know that if you can show up here each morning in the coming weeks and I will reflect on one chapter or verse for the day to open us ~ that too will be enough.  Or if you need a pause from reading these devotions, that space might open you to God.  We will begin next week.  If you’d like to see the reading plan, see below. 


I pray that this opportunity will help you meet God, Jesus, and the Spirit as if for the first time.  That by dwelling in the Word…the Word starts to dwell in you to help you edit the story you are telling yourself.  That by tasting the good news of God’s love, we are fed in ways that can fuel our lives for the living of these days.  Wherever you are, I continue to pray God will enfold and hold you in this season of Lent.  Amen. 

Reading the Gospels during Lent


2/27             John 1

2/28            John 2-4

3/1              John 5-7

3/2              John 8-10

3/3              John 11-13

3/4              John 14-16

Catch up day


3/6              John 17-19

3/7              John 20-21

3/8              Matthew 1-3

3/9              Matthew 4-6

3/10            Matthew 7-9

3/11            Matthew 10-12

Catch up day


3/13            Matthew 13-15

3/14            Matthew 16-18

3/15            Matthew 19-21

3/16            Matthew 22-24

3/17            Matthew 25-27

3/18            Matthew 28, Mark 1-2

Catch up day


3/20            Mark 3-5

3/21            Mark 6-8

3/22            Mark 9-11

3/23            Mark 12-14

3/24            Mark 15-16, Luke 1

3/25            Luke 2-4

Catch up day


3/27             Luke 5-7

3/28            Luke 8-10

3/29            Luke 11-13

3/30            Luke 14-16

3/31            Luke 17-19

4/1              Luke 20-24

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